Elbereth Finnish Lapphunds

Monday 2 September 2013

Four week update

The pups are now really starting to look like puppies and activity levels are increasing, they are now tucking into four bowls of food a day and are loving the running around the garden!  Tiia is starting to feel less inclined to suckle them,  given they have sharp teeth you can hardly blame her! 

Four weeks sees the visitors arriving, before then I prefer mother and babies to be left alone with minimal visitors, partly as some bitches can get stressed with strangers and of course more visitors = increased risk of illness. By four weeks the pups are much more robust - and the mum is usually starting to be more accepting of the attention their pups receive.

But she does not like to be away from them, so keeps a watchful eye on their playtimes.  Funny how she is keen to help clean up their food bowls though. 

"Saturday" - now Helmi
"Monday" - now Otso

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