It’s a long way to Denmark, so Sarah kindly agreed to meet me in Germany, and on the Tuesday 30th I spent best part of the day on the internet planning routes, booking a hotel and ferry crossing (no space on Channel Tunnel trains). So on New Year’s eve as everyone was planning to party – I set off with flask of hot coffee, numerous caffeine drinks, fruit and a cheese sandwich plus the classic junk food to keep one revived, leaving home at 9.00am to catch the midday ferry from Dover. Drive down to Dover was good, luckily for me most people were still off from work, so M25/M26/M20 was quiet!
The two hour ferry crossing gave me a chance to have a proper meal before the long drive to Bremen, in North Germany – I drove through France, Belgium, Holland and then drove into a cold (-6C) wintry Germany, light snow in places on fields and some freezing fog through forests. I arrived at my prebooked hotel at about 21.30 with some 500 miles on the clock. The hotel

Amazingly we arrived with only about 10 mins difference in our times, and in spite of the difficult driving conditions and icy roads. A chance to exercise Macce and check up on his foibles with Sarah, before leaving at midday for the long long long drive home.
Macce and I stopped many times on route, we are experts on Service stations in Germany, Holland Belgium and France, Macce leaving a mark on many trees:) and me having to wash down the car windows many times as the salt and spray being thrown up as we drove made visibility tough at times. Amazingly my guestimate of leaving Western Europe by 22.00 was bang on, and we checked into the ferry at 20.40, in time to have Macce’s passport checked and stretch his legs one last time before the 2 hour ferry trip. Whilst Macce curled up asleep in the car – with some supper (thanks Sarah for thinking of sending some of his food), I had my second proper meal of the trip - on board ferry catering not fabulous, but filled a needy hole! We landed in Dover at 23.00 UK time and cleared customs to return home. I reached home at about 01.00 on the 2nd Jan, some 1250 miles covered!!!! Macce said hi to the girls and settled down for the night.

He is a really fun guy and is already playing with Satu and Diesel, Diesel flirts terribly with him, forgetting she is nearly 10 years old. He has met his new English bride, and was very happy to make my trip well worthwhile!!!! A special thanks to Jukka for letting Macce follow in Hapmi’s footsteps and even bigger thanks to Sarah for giving up her New Year’s holiday to help me on my crazy venture.
When I finally got myself to bed and shut my eyes, could you believe it I could still see roads unfurling before me - like those arcade games. Even now I still feel as if I am moving!!!
What a pretty boy he is. Can't wait to see little mini-Macces running around :-)
Hi Toni
Well I thought I was mad!!! Think you have beaten me with this one..
Good enough story to make a film out of!
Glad he's settled in well.
what a way to bring in the New Year all the best for 2009.
What a handsome boy he is, I'm sure that long and crazy journey will have been worthwhile.
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